Ptcl DSL Broadband offers specific packages (PROMO PACKAGES) in different areas (Exchanges wise) .
PTCL Dsl Broadband Connection is available after feasibility check.
Apnabroadband currently offering online feasibility check of DSL broadband at your premises. All you need is to fill your address details, PTCL broadband team will coordinate with you further.
Promo Packages available (in different areas – Please fill the form , we will let you know which packages you can get at your location)
Few Promo Packages available in Following areas :
2Mbps 1340 Per Month (Many Areas)
3Mbps 900 Per Month (Korangi)
4Mbps 1480 Per Month ( Clifton Only)
8Mbps 2020 Per Month (Korangi Only)
3Mbps 1210 Per Month (Jauhar)
10Mbps 2020 Per Month (Jauhar)
Above packages are available in specific areas (exchanges) Although regular packages can be deployed anywhere after feasibility check, you may fill your details so that PTCL DSL Broadband Team will assist you in better way.
PTCL DSL Feasibility Check and Package availability |