Witribe 2018 Fair Usage Policy
in early 2018 Wi-tribe Unlimited were capped with gb limits (i.e. 2mbps unlimited 100GB , 150GB or other GB limits.
Witribe 2019 Fair Usage Policy
Witribe Introduced truly unlimited packages (i.e. 2Mbps / 3Mbps) , no gb limits on usage. It solved problems of heavy downloaders.
Witribe 2018 Coverage
Witribe coverage was improving / converting to high mhz + converting 3g to 4.5G LTE in Karachi and Lahore, that’s why little fluctuation was faced by users.
Witribe 2019 Coverage
Wi-tribe coverage is almost doubled , new sites are being installed.
Witribe 2018 Common complaint
After acquiring qubee customers in 2018 , Witribe customer support was flooded by complaints, resulting long hold on helpline, which caused alot of suffering to valued customers.
Witribe 2019 Common Complaint
Witribe new customers who order on witribe customer support / official website, have to wait alot for installation team to visit, however we (apnabroadband) process new installation order within 30 mins and rider visit at premises within one hour.
Witribe 2018 Device activation
Wi-tribe is maintaining it’s legacy of giving connection in lowest rates, that’s why device was remained same as witribe 2017 charges (means 500 device activation – One time cost)
Although LTE modem price was fluctuating , sometimes 5000/ sometimes 3000 / sometimes 2500.
Witribe 2019 Device activation
Witribe didnt change device activation (3G) anywhere neither Karachi , nor Lahore / Rawalpindi Islamabad.
Witribe LTE activation changed from 2500 to 3000 (from Jan to April), One month internet free promo is also being offered.
Witribe 2018 Maximum Speed Packages
Witribe maximum speed packages were 2 to 4Mbps (in RWP 2Mbps to 5Mbps)
Witribe 2019 Maximum Speed Packages
Now witribe is offering 2Mbps to 20Mbps high speed internet. (These packages available on LTE Modem).
(This information is latest as of 07/05/2019)