How To Order Zong 4G LTE MiFi or USB


    Coverage and Package Confirmation

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    پیکجز کی معلومات ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعے حاصل کریں

      Coverage and Package Confirmation

      Want Text on Whatsapp as well ? YesNo

      پیکجز کی معلومات ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعے حاصل کریں

      Forget Visiting any Franchise, just order your box pack Zong 4G LTE USB or Zong 4G LTE MiFi Cloud:
      Delivery Free, Biometric free at your premises:
      To Order On Call : 0345-2813343 or 0300-9200279
      Or Just Fill the Order Form

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        Send Quick Sms to us - We will respond you as early as possible


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