To increase WiFi signals in home WiFi Extenders are available in market, although you can extend weak WiFi signals in strong WiFi signals by following simple steps without any WiFi extender or router.
All you need an android mobile (Few Mobiles may not support)
Turn on WiFi on android where you getting good signals on your floor.
Go to Settings
tap on Wlan or Wireless
tap on Tethering & Portable Hotspot (or etc related to Tethering)
tap on Turn On Hotspot ,
tap on Portable Hotspot Setting > Set WiFi Key for your hotspot (follow this step When you want to set / change key)
Now Leave the mobile there, and go in your room or anywhere where you were getting weak wifi signals on floor, you will be seeing one additional WiFi SSID (Network) which is your mobile’s network SSID.
Connect to it and feel the difference.
(Few mobile doesn’t enable tethering when connected to WiFi , We tested on Qmobile Noir A2 , It worked perfectly fine, and I hope it would work on other mobiles too)
If that method didn’t work for you , you can buy WiFi Extender (WiFi Repeater) from us as well.
WiFi Extender available starting price Rs. 2500/- , Delivery all over Pakistan , Courier charges may apply.
Call Now : 0345-2813343 or 0300-9200279 to order.
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